Lapsed or Inactive Registration

Nurses in a skilled nursing facility (SNF), assisted living center (ALC), or hospital are not allowed to delegate medication administration tasks to a medication aide whose registry status has lapsed or is inactive.

To reinstate or to reactivate to an active status a medication aide must:

  • Print the Lapsed Registration Form
  • Have a current or previous employer complete the employment verification page of the application to verify employment of a minimum of 12 hours in the preceding 2 years in the role of a medication aide within a SNF, ALC, or hospital.
    • If an applicant does not have employment hours, the individual must retrain, retest, and apply for Initial Registration.
  • After review and approval by the Board, the lapsed registry status will be updated to an active status.

Applicants will not be sent a registration card; cards may be printed from the Verification Site

Page Updated: 4/16/2024 11:28:56 AM